Tips & Advice

Cooking, a great way to make her come to your home or apartment

Cooking, a great way to make her come to your home or apartment!

When you flirt with a girl and see her on dates, you wonder how you could get her to come to your place. Cooking for her is a great way to get girls come to your home or apartment! You don’t have to be a chef or a great cook, you just need to cook […]

Pubic hair removal for men how to properly shave your penis and genitals

Pubic hair removal for men: how to properly shave your penis and genitals

If there is a subject that men are particularly passionate about, it is… hair removal! Or, to be more precise, the intimate shave like pubic hair, genitals hair. Each year, thousands of readers ask me about pubic hair removal, how to shave your balls, tips for shaving pubic hair. In this article, I will try […]

6 sex tips every man should master

6 sex tips every man should master

The best tips to give your partner the best experience. Learning a few sexual tricks can make things interesting, can take you from mediocrity to mastery, and can lead to more intense orgasms (for you and your partner), but, you should know that all tricks are not the same, some work better than others and […]

The perfect place to have sex depending on your astrological sign

The perfect place to have sex depending on your astrological sign

Depending on your zodiac sign, the perfect place for sex differs. The best place to have sex according to your astrological sign It is well known that your astrological sign affects all facets of your behavior and your personality. We don’t teach you anything by telling you that your astrological sign can affect every facet […]

How to flirt on instragram


The 3 best tips for flirting on Instagram In order to be successful in approaching a girl online and hoping to conclude, you must have method. Yes, gentlemen, seduction on social networks has its own characteristics! So, to avoid getting blocked, here are the basic rules for dating on Instagram. Approaching a woman on a […]

Is it possible to get rich with Bitcoin in 2020

Is it possible to get rich with Bitcoin in 2020?

A pioneer and leader in cryptocurrency for a decade, Bitcoin has fueled more than one dream of wealth. But are these dreams still achievable in 2020? Can we still earn money and get rich with Bitcoin BTC? Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency that continues to surprise What are the strengths of Bitcoin in 2020? How do you […]

Best places to meet girls in 2019

Best places to meet girls in 2019/2020

What are the best places to meet women? These questions, we will see the answer in this article. Where to find women? In the lines that follow, you will discover the places where to hang out in order to meet women. For each of these places, I will give you some tips and tricks that […]

Why women moan during sex

Why women moan during sex?

Are women’s moans real or fake? A woman who takes pleasure does not scream “naturally”, there is no correlation! Female orgasm is very powerful, stronger than that of men. So they often make noise during love. But it’s not mandatory: do not be disappointed if you have not awakened your neighbors. Your partner may have […]

10 flirting tips that really work

10 flirting tips that really work

1. Do not flirt: The more you show that you want to fish, the more it will put off the person in front of you. This does not mean that you don’h have to act as if the person in front of you does not exist and not answer questions or interact with her. On […]

Health Benefits Of Having More Sex With Your Partner

7 Health Benefits Of Having More Sex With Your Partner!

7 Health Benefits Of Having More Sex With Your Partner! So we have sex for the pleasure we get, share a physical intimacy and love with your partner, to make a child… but if you need additional reasons know that an active sexuality is good to the body. Overview of health benefits of sex, shown […]