Travelling together as a couple can strengthen a relationship.
How travel makes your relationship stronger.
Travel is also the ultimate relationship test.
Travelling as a couple would it be the secret of a lasting couple.
According to a study by the U.S. Travel Association, 77% of couples who regularly travel together say they are sexually active and happy.
To boost your libido in a couple, you have to do new things together so as not to fall into routine and boredom…
Traveling, discovering new things together, living adventures in some way is very good for a couple and libido.
New sensations like trying new water sports, doing excursions and discovering new animals, new flowers, new cultures, new landscapes.
A trip as a couple has to be organized, the goal is to spend a good time together, to avoid arguments, to relax and to strengthen your couple who needs to breath and regenerate.
Relax together while watching the sea!
A trip to Greece to discover its beautiful islands, relaxation and romantic travel.
Sex is better on vacation too!
No work-related stress, no alarm clock that rings in the morning, you have time to make love whenever you want and enjoy it to the fullest.
All these elements reinforce your couple to make it last, making your relationship stronger.
Make love in a beautiful hotel room with a panoramic view.
Make love on a paradise beach away from the eyes of course.
Perhaps also the opportunity to realize your fantasies or hers during your romantic holidays.
A romantic vacation that strengthens your couple and makes your relationship stronger.
All you have to do is to find a destination that appeals to both of you and prepare your trip in advance.
You can read my article about the best airlines in the world.
And enjoy your romantic vacation!