What to say to hit on a girl

What to say to hit on a girl

What to say to hit on a girl.

The best quotes to approach a girl.

What to say to a woman you want to go talk to and flirt with?

Simple and effective approach phrases, the first words to flirt with a girl.

The best quotes and phrases to approach and hit on a girl.

It is not always obvious to take the first step and find the best approach phrase to start a conversation with a girl that attracts you.

Even those who say they are good at flirting and seducing girls admit it.

So, in order to avoid being turned down, either you try to improvise by engaging initially the conversation on a subject that seems just normal, or you keep in mind a few quotes that are supposed to work when hitting on a girl.
I personally prefer the first option.

In any case, here are some key ideas and flirting tips to approach and hit on a girl.

Use a detail you noticed on her.

This technique works every time, whether to approach a girl online or on the street.
Approach phrases about her.
What to say to approach her? Well, say something about her indeed.

This is what I prefer because it is natural and it is about something that concerns her and, as you know, girls or women like someone is interested in them and especially when a guy flirts with them.

If you meet her for real, observe what she wears, what she likes to find the little detail that will serve you as a hook to approach her.

If you know how to make her feel different about this detail that you have noticed, she will quickly get comfortable.

You can tell her a compliment about her shoes for example: “Nice shoes!”
She will appreciate the compliment and you can move on talking more about this topic.

Everyone loves to be flattered or to have compliments on what one wears, her hairstyle, etc…
It’s like Facebook, there’s always someone to click like about what you post even when it’s totally nil, there’s always someone who loves it! 😉

With flirt and seduction, it is the same, a girl wants to feel that someone is interested in her without making fun of her of course, it must seem sincere.
But a girl will adore that you show that you are interested in her and that she is complimented on a detail that concerns her, it is a very effective way to approach a girl to flirt with her.
It must therefore be done with an approach phrase about something that concerns her.

This can also be about her dog if you come across a girl with her dog: “Pretty dog! What is that breed?”

Online or on a dating site, you can exploit her photo, the information contained on her profile or even the nickname she has chosen.

If she talks about movies or cinema on her profile, ask her if she has seen one of the latest movies that came out recently.
Approach phrases related to what she put in her profile.
If you want to know what to say to a girl on a dating site, spend some time analyzing her profile.

There are dedicated articles on this site on how to flirt online with good online dating tips.

Use the environment that surrounds you.

You can use the environment or the place where you are to start the conversation, and the possibilities are endless.

All the more so, it will seem so natural also as a question about a detail that concerns her or the things around her.

In a library, for example, you can ask her to advise you on the choice between a particular book.

It also works in shops, supermarkets and other stores for the choice between different products…

Moreover, by pretending to ask her for some help, she will instantly feel indispensable, she will be more open, but you must move on with the conversation!

If she is eating or drinking something at the place where you see her, you can ask her if it’s good and move on with this.

You can also ask your way to a girl to approach her, it works very well.

Ask her opinion or advice, where to eat in the area for example and it is a very good opportunity to offer her to go there with you of course!

At the place where you are, you can ask her if she often comes, that is, a park, a bar, a restaurant, etc…

Do not forget to put the bit of humor needed.

We will never repeat it enough, humor is unavoidable if you want to flirt and seduce, it’s important.

Woman who laughs is halfway in your bed.

It is not about making you look like a real comic, but you must have that fine humor that makes the difference.

Effective approach phrases or quotes to hit on girls is a good start but with humor it’s even better.

In summary, it should be remembered that approach phrases or a good question to approach a girl will be related to a detail that concerns her or the environment where she is.
You have to look at her and find a detail about her to start the conversation or something around you.

You know 100% that she’s going to be interested because it concerns her directly, not a typical phrase or quoite like “You have beautiful eyes!”…

You must be a more interesting person and talk to her about something that concerns her, she will already appreciate that you are interested in her and her tastes.

Or if you ask her for advice, your way, she will appreciate that she is solicited and this is a great way to start flirting with her precisely.

The art of seduction goes through the art of approaching a girl because it is necessary to initiate contact to talk and flirt.

You can continue reading with my article on the questions to ask a girl to seduce her:

There are also other articles on what to say or not to say when you flirt and seduce, questions to avoid during a first date for example.
Take notes and memorize important things to flirt and seduce effectively.

There is of course my ebook to download on flirt and seduction.
That’s why I wrote a book about flirt and seduction, to summarize everything in an ebook so that you have everything you need to know and, wherever you go, you can just open it and take a look at it!

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